Sound siphon
Sound siphon

sound siphon sound siphon

Wait for the machine to begin attracting a cloud of Kuva.Approaching it will trigger a menacing activation horn and begin the siphoning process, followed by transmissions from either the Lotus or the Grineer Worm Queen. The cloud will make a distinctive shrieking noise as it approaches the Siphon. In addition, one of the machine's four Braids will be raised at this time, and will point towards the incoming cloud, making it easier to locate. Locate the red-black cloud of Kuva approaching the machine from somewhere in the room.As this happens, Kuva Guardians and Jesters, as well as other Kuva Corps Grineer units will teleport in to further secure the machine. Repeat this four times, once for each of the Siphon's Braids.Switch to Operator form and either Void-Dash through the Kuva cloud, hit it with Void Blast, or shoot it with your Amp.It can be located by using a Synthesis Scanner, or by following the sinister whistling noise it makes as it moves around the environment. A meter under your minimap will display how many braids you've destroyed.

sound siphon

Once all the Braids are destroyed, the Kuva Siphon will explode and award every member of the Squad around 550-700 Kuva, or around 1,100-1,400 on Kuva Floods.

Sound siphon